


Linda Scott is a Business Coach and Sales Professional, combined she is uniquely qualified to help you start and grow your business with intuitive guidance and decades of experience in what every business must have to succeed ~ SALES

As a National Franchise Owner, Virtual Business Owner and as a Business Breakthrough Strategist with Ali International, Linda has worked with thousands of entrepreneurs and understands their challenges and the solutions they need to achieve their goals of success and a personalized lifestyle.



I am more of an explorer on an expedition with the goal of finding hidden clues to the perfect business that complements the lives of ordinary people allowing them the chance to create extraordinary lives. I help people discover what is not obvious to themselves by digging into to life experiences, habits, and passions to uncover the possibilities for a business. Then I look at the practical side of things and help analyze the chances for success. I know the strategies for identifying business models and potential markets and I am able to help would be entrepreneurs discover and create their ideal business.

Have You Ever Pondered a Business Idea?
Ever Needed Help Making Sales? I Help Startup Entrepreneurs Find their Perfect Business and I Help Growing Entrepreneurs Increase Their Sales!


My Mission

 Making a Big Impact on Peoples Lives Through Business Success

As A Sales Professional my goal is to provide Superstar Sales Service to Superstar Entrepreneurs who offer life changing training, coaching and consulting so that more talent is shared with the world and we all live the best lives possible, lives full of riches in spirit and in lifestyles. 

As a Coach I can easily help women who have skills and money create the right business and improve their lives, and help them build the businesses of their dreams. Many coaches only work with such women. The reason is it makes the most business sense to offer a service to those that can and will pay for those services.

  • I want to help women who are not even aware of their potential and may not have money to build a business with. I want to motivate them to find their bootstraps and pull.
  • I want to show them the resources available to them to learn and grow.
  • I want them to know they have a future and they can design that future though hard work and belief in that future.
  • I want to help these women change their lives so they can change the lives of their families.

It’s all about changing lives, everybody’s lives regardless of how much money or education they have. Today more than ever lives can change. There is no limit to what you can create in your life. The only limit is the one you choose to believe.

I want every woman to know she can care and provide for herself and her family.

I want her to know she already has the only person she needs to be secure in this world. She has herself and her infinite ability to grow, to become more of her desired self each and every day.

 Hands with red frame reaches out from heap of papersMy Ideal Coaching Client

And then there’s you.

The women who has some skills and life experience and some funds to help her create a business but she doesn’t know where or how to start.

  • You don’t know what business you could create. You don’t know how to get started. You are actually the woman I help most.
  • You are actively looking for answers and willing to invest in yourself to figure it all out and put it together.
  • You know you will create a business and you are ready to get started today.
  • You my dear are my ideal client. Every businesses has one and you will too, once we get you on the right path.

Let's Talk ~ What Would You Like Most Coaching or Sales Help

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