


Coaching Programs

Our Signature Program

Through our Why~How~Who~What™ System we help you analyse your business concept getting clear on your why,  how you get results for your clients, who exactly you serve, and what you offer as a product or service and crucial to your success we help you determine if that concept makes for a potentially profitable business and then we show you the steps to take and the tools and mentors that can help you further on your journey to a life of work that feels like play!

It’s Our “Soul” purpose is to help you discover yours! We find the hidden nuggets in your experiences that reveal what you would most enjoy and be great at.


A la Carte Coaching

  • Discovery Session
  • Analysis Session
  • Implementation Session
  • Accountability Session
  • Individual Coaching
  • DAIAI Package
  • Path of Success
  • The Key Answers
 See Descriptions Below. Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.



Online Programs


Path of Success



 Discover the Path of Success

Demystify the process

Learn the necessary actions

Do it now

Complete the path and complete your business startup and start living the lifestyle you always wanted.

Online course starting soon! Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.


Your Key Steps to Success

3 Key Steps to Success

 Steps to Create Your Dream Business

3 Key Steps to Your Success you must take now to get clear on important details that will help you create a strong foundation for your dream business. This course will walk you through the most important and often overlooked considerations to address when starting a business.


Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.


Questions and Question Mark - Sticky Note ConfusionThe Key Answers You Need To Know

 Identify Your What, Why, Where  and How


Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.



How to Teach What You Know

 Learn How to Present Your Knowledge for Profit


Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.



Write Your Book, eBook, Kindle, Course or Workshop

You and Your Book

Why you need to position yourself as an expert and why writing a book is the easiest and fastest way to boost your image.

How to write and publish your book 

How to turn your book into a course            

Sources for getting it done fast




Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.

Discovery Session

Our Discovery Sessions are designed to walk you through the process of gathering, eliminating, and deciding on the features and direction in creating your business.

Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.

Analysis Session

Our Analysis Session is designed to Evaluate Your Business Idea against the criteria important for business success and the market for what you offer. We determine if there is a demand for your service/product and examine the competition and your success factor.

Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.


Implementation Session

Work with you through the plan and action steps you need to take next

Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.

Accountability Session

Holding you accountable to your Dreams and Goals sometimes takes another person to keep you on track and motivated.

Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.


 Individual Coaching

One on One coaching is available for 3,6, 9, 12 month options.

Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.


DAIAI Package

6 Week program Includes all of the above. Designed to discover and iron out your business concept and business plan, and to provide support and mentoring while you take action to launch your new business.

Enter your name and email and the course you are interested in the form below to request more information about the cost and dates of the course.



 Your Individual Toolkit

Identify the best Mentors, Coaches, Training and Tools and Resources to help you move your business forward and achieve your goals.

*Receive this bonus Toolkit with enrollment in any Business Creation Studio Session


[contact-form to=’’ subject=’BCS Course Information Request Form’][contact-field label=’First Name’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Last Name’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Email ‘ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Course You Would Like More Information On’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]



Providing in house sales services from my virtual office. Increase sales with a sales professional while keeping overhead down. Let me show you how.

Easy & Convenient

Affordable & Flexible

Send me a message using the form below and we can set up a time for a call to determine your needs and how together we can virtually skyrocket your sales!


Business Breakthrough Strategist Ali International, LLC

Linda is a sales Superstar with a friendly, comfortable sales style that reflects the culture of my business.

I continue to use her services and I highly recommend Linda for reliable, confidential and professional sales service.

Ali Brown, Entrepreneur Mentor & CEO featured on ABC’s “Secret Millionaire”

Linda has been a wonderful addition to our team and has maintained outstanding sales results since we started working together.

Linda is reliable, professional and well-respected by all who interact with her. Any company would be lucky to have Linda helping them with sales!

Liz Murphy     COO,  Ali International

Linda has been an outstanding sales professional. Working independently and consistently producing high volume sales while providing exceptional customer service, she is the ideal virtual sales professional. Linda really listens to the clients needs and recommends a product or program that is the right fit for them.

Jennifer Clark      Director of Business Development       Ali International


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