Color of Personality Radiant Purples, Royal Red, Vivid Pink, Bright Orange, Creamy White, Sunny Yellow ~ Or are you soft lavender, dainty pink? We all have colors to our personality ~ Show Your Colors!
Harmony is Balance Life seeks harmony. Our lives need harmony. We know harmony as balance in our lives. There are many possible harmonies for our lives, the secret is to select the harmonious elements that bring balance. It is a natural possibility. There is harmony everywhere. Find yours.
Perfection Crisis Are you waiting for everything to be perfectly set up before you begin your business? Are you waiting to know enough/more? Getting ready to start a new business can be a long journey in it’s self but if you are waiting for perfection your business may never bloom. Get started from where […]
Money Plants Don’t we wish there was really a money plant! Did you grow up hearing over and over again that money doesn’t grow on trees?! Well money does grow from well placed effort and customers satisfaction so find your source of money and plant your tree!