How Do You Know What Your Purpose Is?
How many times have you heard someone say ~… what you are here for…. How does anyone know what they are here for?
Whether or not you can actually be sure of exactly why you are here there may be tell tale signs. These signs often show up in the areas of your interests. In your gifts and in the reoccurring themes and events that resurface frequently in your life.
Write down whatever comes to mind in each area/category or topic.
- Interest
- Talents/Gifts
- Reoccurring Themes/Events
Write what you are drawn to, what you find beautiful, energizing, exciting.
Describe the people you know and meet. Are there reoccurring personalities and how do you relate to and interact with these people. ( i.e. Are you always solving a problem for them.)
You might need some help analyzing or even discovering what these clues to your purpose are. Often we overlook what might be seen by an impartial observer or someone who is trained in discovery techniques and observation.
It’s ok not to know what your purpose is.
The important thing is to move forward on your journey though life with an open mind and heart, listening and watching for the signs that lead you to your destiny. You will have experiences along the way that will cause you to move in a certain direction. These events are illuminating stepping stones to your destiny. Some would call this destiny your purpose. However you may have multiple purposes throughout your life, all of them however are your destiny. Each moment leads to the next, it too is your destiny.
The thing that you can be certain of is that it is your destiny to journey though this life experiencing and growing with each moment. From these moments you can see the similarities and feel the inspiration and energy each moment offers. Within these moments are the clues to your purpose. Recall them, explore them, watch for them, meditate upon them. You will know when you have discovered your purpose.
Do not be afraid of making a wrong decision about your purpose. There are many paths to our destiny and all of them are worthy on experiencing. You will grow with each path and the next path will always appear, when you are ready for it. Some paths are direct clear routes. Others are meandering and some are detours. As long as you are searching the paths will continue to appear.
As you get better at reading the sign posts you will take more suitable paths for expediting your journey. Learn to evaluate and see clearly. Listen for guidance. Feel the energy of your intentions.
Intentions can be very helpful in finding your purpose. Develop your intentions. Project your intentions energetically into each moment. Sense if the path and your intentions are in alignment.
Your purpose for today, for this phase of your life may not be the purpose of your future. This purpose must be fulfilled before you can be ready to fulfill the next. It will prepare you for who you will become.
Just because you are clear on your purpose now, your present purpose, does not mean that this is your final purpose. There is no forever purpose. Which is why you should not hesitate to embrace a purpose now. It is part of your journey, it is the step you must take to get to the next. The purpose of all of our lives is to become more than we are and to help the world and all people become more. Our purpose is ever evolving, growing into more. Dare to be more and you will always know your purpose. Your purpose is to be more 😉
September 10, 2014 @ 8:28 am