Start and Grow a Home Based Business


5 Keys to Starting and Growing a Home Based Business

Here are the 5 Keys to Your Success in Your Business

Do You Have Them in Place?


Attract Your Ideal Clients


Offer Valuable Product or Service


 Get Results for Your Clients


Have Well Designed Systems in Place


Educate and Support Yourself with Training and Mentors

1. Attract Ideal Clients

Hand and falling money

What’s the difference between attracting clients and attracting ideal clients?

Time and Money!

2. Deliver Quality Content/Program

Products And Services Keys Show Selling And Buying Online

Do you have your own programs created? If not what is your plan for creating them? How will you deliver them? Finding the help you need to put together content and get it delivered is the smartest thing you can do to start making money and increase your success now.

Every business needs a product or service to sell. You can sell entirely one on one coaching services but your success will be limited to what you charge and how many hours you work. Instead think in terms of creating programs you can offer to groups and via courses or programs.

Find out how to create what your customers are buying and do it better than anyone else.

3. Get Results for Your Clients

Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action chalk drawing

Why do Clients come to you for help?

to get your 3 week course?

Or to get the results they gain from having learned from and experienced the 3 week course…..

The answer to this question is the biggest key to your success!

4. Set Up Systems

businesswoman drawing plan of Marketing

Every business has systems and yours should to. Systematize your business operations, the things you do over and over again in your business and running your business will get easier, more efficient and more profitable.

Do You Know What Systems Your Business Should Have?


5 Learn from a Mentor


When starting and growing a business there is a lot to learn and do. It is crucial you set your business up for success right from the start.

These key points must be present and operating smoothly in your business if you hope to be profitable and reach your goals for success.

Learn as You Earn

You and I Win We All Are Winners - 3 Way Street SignIf you help anyone who has their own business you can help them learn the very same things you need to learn to make your business a 6 plus figure success. Adding this knowledge and expertise to your business will help you succeed but will also give you another skill set that you can add to your business offerings. So in other words if you help writers get their work done and published, you can also help them build a business, market their work, create multiple streams of income, develop the systems that will assure their business runs smoothly, get them noticed and attracting the clients who want what they offer.

Once you learn and fine tune your business you will be in the perfect position to help others do the same. It’s a cycle, when you are in the cycle you are in demand, profitable and living the lifestyle you created your business for.

Doesn’t it make sense to invest in the training and coaching you need so you can better serve the people who need you, and improve your own business results in the process?

Use a Program Created by a Pro That Fits Your Needs

If you are already a business coach, consider a business option where all the content and programs, and support you need to offer your clients is available to you now. Nothing to create, everything is done, no marketing materials, branding materials, program content to create, no systems to create, the entire business is professionally laid out for you. All you have to do is use it, and the best part is that you will learn while you earn. Anything you might not have mastered yet, you will learn and be able to offer the same training to your clients once you have learned the concepts. The support, mentor-ship, community, programs and materials you need to have a successful business coaching business is available. There are licensed programs and business in a box options available that can shave years off your leaning curve and position you as the go to expert in your field.

No matter what type of coaching business you are in, Individual, Entrepreneurial, Small Business, Corporate, there is a program and mentor right for you. A mentor with a program that can take you from where you are to where you want to go. A mentor who has done what you are struggling with and can save you time, stress and money as they help you create your business and lifestyle and earn the income you are reaching for.

We can help you find the ones that are the best fit for you!

James Roche

James is available to coach serious entrepreneurs who want to rapidly grow their business while maintaining a lifestyle they love. In this VIP Coaching Day, James will map out with you your step-by-step- strategy to make the next year your best ever.

Melanie Duncan

Melanie Duncan

Melanie Duncan is a serial entrepreneur and online educator. She owns multimillion dollar apparel and home decor ecommerce sites, and teaches people around the world how to increase their visibility online. Her businesses have been featured on top television shows such as ABC’s Good Morning America, and in dozens of publications. She was featured on the cover of Women Entrepreneur’s Magazine.

Melanie has developed a unique system for using Pinterest for business and after achieving great results within her own brands, now teaches thousands of small business owners and consults with major corporations sharing her specialized strategies.


Your best choice…..


Your best choice…..


Your best choice…..

The Marketing Made Easy Blueprint

Learn how to create your own information product, market your business, attract
more clients, and much more. James is a master teacher who shows you exactly how you can grow your business faster.

Online Edge Academy

Learn with Devin and Melanie Duncan

Beginning in 2006 they began to launch multimillion dollar businesses in a variety of industries and have had their brands featured on top television shows like ABC’s “Good Morning America” and in dozens of magazines around the world.

Devin and Melanie now devote their time to creating educational programs for entrepreneurs and have impacted businesses and lives all over the world. 

Simple Solutions for Fast Business Growth

Learn how to integrate all of your online marketing efforts to create one effective strategy.

The Power of Pinning

Learn how to double your traffic & sales from Pinterest

with Melanie Duncan

Click Here!






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